CC-tape (30cc and 45cc)

A special product developed to avoid unnecessary wear and tear damage, increase efficiency and precision. When using CC-Tape, you avoid working positions that wear unnecessarily hard on the knees, back, shoulders, shoulders and neck. At the same time, you save time as it is quick to adjust with CC-Tejp. CC-Tape is precise, which means that the insulation and wall material match exactly with the studs. You don’t have to make your own estimate and you win in construction quality.

Installation: CC-Tejp is designed to be used in the special conditions that apply during construction. The tape therefore has a special glue and paper in order for it to stick to most surfaces.

Read detailed instructions here

Benefits with the CC tape

  • Better for the carpenter’s knees! Avoid unnecessarily strenuous working positions.
  • Save time! It is easy to adjust with cc tape.
  • Exact measurements! Increase the quality of construction.

What differs the products CC tape 30cc and CC tape 45cc?

Answer: It is only the measurement that separates them. Otherwise, all properties are the same.

Technical information:
Yellow tape – 30cc
Blue tape – 45cc

Background to the product: Johan Strömberg is the inventor of the CC tape and has more than twenty years of experience in the construction industry, of which over ten years as a team member. He has crawled on his knees and jumped on trestles to mark out the CC measurements countless times – Johan’s three knee operations can testify that it is not good for the knees. To reduce these stresses, he developed a non-stretchable tape marked with the CC measurement 30 & 45 cm.