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Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
I’m a professor and the regional program head in Construction Technology for the University of Alaska Southeast, I work on the Juneau campus. We live in a miserable maritime climate, I imagine Sweden offers similar test labs for buildings too. In southeast Alaska, our heating degree days range from 7,000 to near 10,000 per year. Rainfall is anywhere from 40 inches to over 200 inches per year, snow about the same. Keeping things dry is everything for us.
I ran across your product at the Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA) conference in 2011. The product that caught my eye was a black colored foam sealing material for air sealing rough openings of doors and windows. I picked up one sample at the conference and have been showing it in my classes. I would like to try an entire window with it and see how it performs.
One of my roles is program manager for Building America in Alaska primarily assisting Tribal housing authorities with improved building technologies.
Marquam George
Associate Professor
Construction Technology
University of Alaska Southeast